Rear ended-settlement offer is low

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My son and I were rear-ended 12-23-05. I suffered nerve impingement in my neck and upper back, a torn rotator cuff that has now been surgically repaired. My son suffered a thoracic sprain and possible concussion. I have accumulated about 70-75000 in medical bills. I missed about 5 months of work. The insurance company has offered me a settlement of $100,000 total, including my wife's loss of consortium. Since I will need continuing treatment on my neck and back for life, this amount is really not satisfactory. I would be willing to settle the entire claim for myself, my wife and my son, for $225,000 plus medical. The at-fault party has insurance limits of 100/300. We are both Nationwide customers in Ohio, if that makes any difference. Is this a realistic amount to ask for? Should I write a demand letter stating this? Is there any way to collect from my UI motorist coverage? I have the same limits. Thanks
For a claim of this size you need an attorney. I realize that he will take 30% but this is not something to do on your own.
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