Rearended by DUI (same ins company)

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I was rearended by a very DUI driver and as a result ended up in the ER with neck,back pain and numb arms. At this point the bills are coming in now and I have med-pay on my ins policy that will cover most or all the ER and PCP bills. But to get this I have to give all my information and POA for medical records,dont want to do this as both the DUI driver and myself have the same ins. company.:eek:
I cant afford to pay this out of pocket but dont want to mess up future actions by letting them have free hand with my files.
Any suggestions? Best course action?
Thanks in advance
You cant avoid giving your info. The insurance co will get it no matter what. You shouldn't have to be paying anything out of pocket. All the medical can put a lien on your case and get paid after it is settled.
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