Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Recently fired for theft from store

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Hi i am 19 years old and have been working at CVS since November of 2008.
2 days ago i was sent into the back to talk to LP and my manager about merchandise i had been taking from the store, and keeping money from customers and canceling out the transaction (cash only). I feel really bad and I dont know why i did this, I have been doing it since December of 2009 up until January of 2010. I REALLY need help because they are charging me 516$ to make up for the products / gift cards i used. How much extra will be charged for security? I cant afford to pay anything outrageous! I shouldnt have done this and I REALLY regret doing this!
Please help me =[!!
I ended on very bad terms with my manager and he is dissappointed with me.

They said no police involved and I can pay back the charges. The LP guy said I might have to pay additional fees for security purposes!!!
I barely have any money but I want to pay it back at least to retain some dignity.
Also I've noticed alot more things have been happening badly in my life since then. (Karma)
I got declined for the college i wanted, I missed the bus right before an important class, and I cant sleep at night, I cant live with myself
Your very lucky as this could easliy result in felony charges! If you cannot afford all the money at once make a payment arrangement to pay. Its important to make these payments on time. Any nonpayment or habitual late payments could provoke them into filing criminal charges
Is there an estimate on how much extra i will have to pay in additional to the $516?
I am also thinking about writing a letter of apology to my manager, although he probably never wants to see my face again.
I live in Florida and worked at CVS / Pharmacy
NO! do not write any letters! This letter can be used as confession. Far as what you "might" pay beyond the $516.00 I cannot say. In general stores do not apply the Civil Demand laws to Internal theft. If they do I expect that fine to be between $500.00 to $1000.00 depending on your states laws on Civil Demand
Noooo, I can't afford to pay that much! I only have around the amount due =[
My life is over! or at least my character, I really really regret doing this
I understand your sorry but there ar consequences to your choices. No one said the fine would be what i said only that it could be. Make a payment plan if need be or borrow money from family or friends. The consequences for not paying could be that they file criminal charges and you would still owe this money and more
Is there any way that I can have my name removed from this "black list" that retailers have? I heard about it and im not sure if it goes onto my background check.
If your referring to the retail theft database no it should fall off after 7 years am I told. Now the plus side is this does not show up on a background check. The only thing that shows up on background check are criminal convictions. A retailer must be a subscriber to the database to view your name
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