reckless driving

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New Member
All right i will try and make this as short as possible. I was at my house drinking with some friends, playing ps2 having a good time. About 10 pm a georiga state patrol pulled in my drive way, knocked on the door. I answered. He asked me to put my beer down and step outsde, Okay everyone is over 21 no one is being loud whats going on? we talked for a little while and he asked if i had a motorcycle. I said yeah but it wasnt here. He then proceed to tell me he was giving me a reckleess driving ticket for doing wheelies on a public road. I told him that i havent been on the bike all day. He then tried to ask me information on the bike and insurnce i wouldnt give it to him. I asked why and where he got that informtion form because it was skeewed. He said he got a complaint about motorcycles doing wheelies. I asked him who complained he replied he didnt know. I asked what description they gave him about the bike or person that was doing wheelies. He didnt reply with anything. He said I think that you have a burgandy bike dont ya. I didnt reply. On the ticket he has my drivers license, no vehicle, no insurance and no tag number he put burgandy in the color of the vehicle thought but my bike is bright orange. any questions. or advice that i may be able to use. Im going to fight it. But im just curious as to how he can do that thank you.
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