Criminal Records, Expungement reckless operation expungement??

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I live in the state of OH and a little over 3 years ago, I was convicted of a reckless operation. I am going to be looking for a new job soon- in Pharmaceutical Sales, which is a really hard industry to break into. I am lucky enough to have a few connections, so I will be able to get my foot in the door. The problem is they are going to perform a pretty detailed background check on me. I am getting conflicting answers as to whether a job in this industry is even possible with this on my record. It would be a shame to get through the rough,multi-step interviewing process and then not get the job because of a mistake in my past. Does anyone know if this will prevent my employment in Pharmaceutical Sales? Or if it is possible to have this expunged off of my record? I should also mention that I had a misdemeanor from 12 years ago expunged about a year ago. Help please!! Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
You might want to check your state's expunction statute to see if it can be expunged........You can check it online. Some driving infractions can't be expunged in some states.
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