Recommendations for change at the Secret Service

I'm still waiting to learn how the gunman knew that Trump would be playing golf on Sept. 15 and at which course. It was not a scheduled event.

That wasn't the event the report focused on. The Secret Service caught the golf course guy before he could make any attempt to harm Trump. As for how the would be shooter might have learned Trump would be there, there are a lot of possibilities, most of which would start with someone in the Trump campaign or Trump's circle of associates having loose lips and saying more to someone who wasn't cleared for the information than he or she should have. It may prove impossible for the Secret Service to backtrack to find the actual original slip that lead to the leak.

It's very easy for people to think what they say about such things is harmless. During World War II the government had a persistent campaign reminding the population of the danger of careless talk, like the famous poster campaign that "loose lips sink ships." Those who knew sailors departing on ships were sometimes none too careful about telling friends and associates about the departure thinking it harmless. Most of the time it probably was harmless, but the problem is that they could never know when what they said might end up being heard by someone who shouldn't be informed of it.

That situation of people not appreciating how sensitive the information really is and talking about it to others who have no business knowing it repeats itself over and over, in government, in business organizations, in organized crime organizations, campaign organizations, you name it.
That wasn't the event the report focused on. The Secret Service caught the golf course guy before he could make any attempt to harm Trump. As for how the would be shooter might have learned Trump would be there, there are a lot of possibilities, most of which would start with someone in the Trump campaign or Trump's circle of associates having loose lips and saying more to someone who wasn't cleared for the information than he or she should have. It may prove impossible for the Secret Service to backtrack to find the actual original slip that lead to the leak.
You left out the most obvious possibility since the decision to play golf at that course was made the evening of Sept. 14. The USSS had to scramble to set up protection. Routh was there from 2:00AM to 1:31PM (from his cell data) according to court documents and police officials. And you point the finger at the Trump campaign. Okey Dokey.

The game was set up with his friend. The campaign had nothing to do with it.
The game was set up with his friend. The campaign had nothing to do with it.

You don't know that the campaign had no knowlege of the golf outing. I'd be surprised if it didn't have knowledge of it. One need not have been a party to planning it to have leaked it, whether intentionally or not. All that's needed is to have knowledge of the event. As I've seen no evidence released that traces the leak to any specific person all I can say is that it could have been anyone who knew of the golf plans.
You don't know that the campaign had no knowlege of the golf outing. I'd be surprised if it didn't have knowledge of it. One need not have been a party to planning it to have leaked it, whether intentionally or not. All that's needed is to have knowledge of the event. As I've seen no evidence released that traces the leak to any specific person all I can say is that it could have been anyone who knew of the golf plans.
While I don't have personal knowledge, I read scores of accounts (right after the incident) including several statements from his golfing partner and friend, Steve Witkoff, that they had not chosen which of the two Trump golf courses they would play on or if they would play at all. And while Trump always tried to get a round of golf in during the campaign on Sunday mornings, there was nothing planned until the evening of Sept. 14.

Sunday's apparent assassination attempt against Trump – the second in the past two months – has sparked a range of questions, including about the movements and motivations of the suspect now in custody and whether the Secret Service provided adequate protection for a last-minute golf outing.

As I previously posted, the campaign only knew that Trump was off the campaign trail that Sunday morning. No press releases, no photo ops. The USSS was obviously told and had to provide protection in maybe an 8-hour window when Routh arrived at the course chosen at 2:00 AM.

It doesn't pass the duck test.
The Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody, filed a complaint in U.S. District Court on Wednesday against DOJ and MERRICK GARLAND, a COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, because they (and the FBI) are interfering with and trying to shut down the state of Florida's investigation of the Trump Golf course assassination attempt.

Here is a link to the complaint if you care to read it. You should read it!

But it gets better. The case was assigned to Judge Cannon and the motions to recuse are already being submitted because she made a favorable ruling for Trump in the documents case.
I still have the image of the short chubby girl trying the holster here weapon, and couldn't then she just pulled it lower like Spy vs. Spy -- it was funny. DEI works
It doesn't pass the duck test.
You have no evidence regarding who leaked the information. Neither do I. You are just guessing in your efforts to pin it on the Secret Service. We don't arrest people on guesses in this country much less prosecute them. You are working off your preferred notion of what occurred more than anything else. There hasn't been released anything that even remotely indicates where the information came from and for that reason I'm not pointing fingers at anyone or any specific organization. For all we know, the guy may have just taken a guess at which course Trump was going to visit that day or he may have visited the golf course grounds on a number of occasions just waiting for the time Trump showed up to golf there. Until something more definitive is released there just isn't any reliable way of figuring out what happened.

I'm glad the crack pot was caught before he had a chance to get close enough to Trump to take a shot.
You have no evidence regarding who leaked the information. Neither do I. You are just guessing in your efforts to pin it on the Secret Service. We don't arrest people on guesses in this country much less prosecute them. You are working off your preferred notion of what occurred more than anything else. There hasn't been released anything that even remotely indicates where the information came from and for that reason I'm not pointing fingers at anyone or any specific organization. For all we know, the guy may have just taken a guess at which course Trump was going to visit that day or he may have visited the golf course grounds on a number of occasions just waiting for the time Trump showed up to golf there. Until something more definitive is released there just isn't any reliable way of figuring out what happened.

I'm glad the crack pot was caught before he had a chance to get close enough to Trump to take a shot.
I think you are perhaps an exceptional tax attorney, but I don't think you are at all good at logical analysis, the science of probabilities, Boolean logic, and to some extent common sense. All that you do in your professional capacity has a roadmap to follow be that the tax law or estate law. But when it comes to free-thinking and opinion, I think you have an agenda. That is not a criticism but an observation.

When you first responded to this thread, you pointed your finger at the Trump campaign and not even considering any government agency. So, to now say you're not pointing fingers at anyone is really not correct. I did not point any fingers at any one or agency except to say that the USSS was the agency with the knowledge of the last-minute golf outing.

Now that I see what is happening in Florida with the complaint and request for injunctive relieve (in the above post) where the DOJ (and FBI) is trying to stop the FL investigation, I think it makes me even more concerned that something is not right and there is no transparency on the Federal side. Time will tell.
It does make you wonder how a kid from Pennsylvania and some unemployed leftest loon from Hawaii had the funds to fly around the country, get expensive guns/ ammo, and know where and when to be at a certain location. I guess like Tax dude says it could be all a great big coincidence but that is very unlikely.

The Obama crat radical democrats share so much with other communist regimes that it is down right scary. I am not sure if it was Hillary that suggested it but I am wondering when they are going to try re education camps.
I am not sure if it was Hillary that suggested it but I am wondering when they are going to try re education camps.

I understand your concerns, my friend.

However, try to relax and consider the fact that our Constitution is protecting our hard earned liberties.

As long as we remain a constitutional republic, never backsliding and becoming a democracy we'll always enjoy the many freedoms that are guaranteed by our founders and those patriots then and now protecting those hard earned freedoms.

The Maoists and Stalinists devotees, the undercover commies, along with a sordid assortment of "redlings"
will be held at bay. When push comes to shove, the vast majority of our fellow citizenry know exactly what to do.
The citizenry knows what we are guaranteed and understand that our great nation is under assault, and must constantly be protected.

Rugged, tough men and women, built this amazing nation. They fought to develop her, as well as keeping her humming.
The Obama crat radical democrats share so much with other communist regimes that it is down right scary.

The far left makes similar far fetched claims about Trump and his MAGA movement: they claim that Trump and his acolytes are so much like fascists that it's downright scary. Regardless of who is elected president next month I think it is highly unlikely that this country will turn into some kind dictatorship, whether communist, facist, or otherwise. I've said it here before and I'll say it again — those kind of claims are more fear mongering than anything else. As ArmyJudge points out, and I agree, that so long as most of the public supports our Constitutional republic we aren't going to see either of those fears come to pass. In our system the laws are made by Congress, not the president, so the president alone can't make either of those fears a reality. In addition to that, unlike many other countries, in our system power is shared between the federal and state governments, each with their own defined roles and powers.
The far left makes similar far fetched claims about Trump and his MAGA movement: they claim that Trump and his acolytes are so much like fascists that it's downright scary. Regardless of who is elected president next month I think it is highly unlikely that this country will turn into some kind dictatorship, whether communist, facist, or otherwise. I've said it here before and I'll say it again — those kind of claims are more fear mongering than anything else. As ArmyJudge points out, and I agree, that so long as most of the public supports our Constitutional republic we aren't going to see either of those fears come to pass. In our system the laws are made by Congress, not the president, so the president alone can't make either of those fears a reality. In addition to that, unlike many other countries, in our system power is shared between the federal and state governments, each with their own defined roles and powers.

sure, sure. Okay name me another President other the insane Hussein clown O'Bamer that purchased a house in Washington DC,, holds weekly meetings with demo dumbo crats to lay out their agenda, fly around the globe meeting with progressive libs everywhere, and actively campaigns a full schedule for his hand picked candidates?

can't name one? didn't think so.
sure, sure. Okay name me another President other the insane Hussein clown O'Bamer that purchased a house in Washington DC,, holds weekly meetings with demo dumbo crats to lay out their agenda, fly around the globe meeting with progressive libs everywhere, and actively campaigns a full schedule for his hand picked candidates?

can't name one? didn't think so.

Since you crafted the question so there can be only one answer, it's not very meaningful. But what does any of that matter? Ex presidents and many other politicians help support their party and their party's candidates in elections. And — wait for it — even an ex president named Donald J. Trump has done it! So if campaining for members of your party makes you a loser, you have to concede Trump is a loser too. So which is it, is Trump a loser? Or are you taking a cheap shot at Obama simply because you had no better response? Or maybe both? No need to reply, I already know the answer to that one!
LOL, that is why you can't argue with a MSM liberal liar media biased poster or those who vote for the donkeys.

I have to say though, that I honestly laughed out loud when JD Vance had the Meet the Press lady on edge. Vance said " that the DOJ is actively prosecuting their political opponents.."

MSM liberal liar states a "a federal grand jury indicted him.."

based off what complaint actually? who presented the complaint for a grand jury to make that decision?

I am not a licensed Attorney but all of them would have to agree, that is some funny stuff.

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