Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Recording Audio Sound In Public Places (Legality)


New Member
In the state of Nevada (NRS 200.690) - is it illegal to record audio conversations in public places (such as outdoors) without the other persons knowledge?
It isn't so much the location that matters- it is the expectation of privacy.

Nevada is a one-party state, meaning only one person involved in the conversation must be aware of the recording, unless it is over the phone then both must consent.

Even without consent, audio recording where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy is still legal. It is possible to have a private conversation in a public place, so the specific circumstances must be known to say for sure what consent is required, if any.
There is such a gray area in recordings... As it could be felony recording converations your not in. I always yield to the side of protect my butt when recording. I was told that if i wasn't part of the conversation it could be big trouble.

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