Recording ex employer to check my refrences without hjis knowledge?????

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I worked for a restaurant as a server in New York City twice in two years. meening, I left and came back. the owners would stay with our tips and split them at the end of the week..but no one at least to my knowledge got what they where expecting ever. the reality is that no one would dare to complain about anything..the owners over worked us from 12/13 hours a day for $40 daily...we new what time to show up to work but there was no way to know what time we go home. I made a complain to the owner serveral time. one was that he stoped paying salary for two mouth. I gether some people around and question the owner...after that, he payed every one little by little. this is a high volume restaurant and he owns a nother right across the street from the other, we would constenly have to finish one job and star a nother and i never got payde for working at the other place, just got my regular $40 for working both places. second time I gether some co-workers was for the tips...i felt they took from my tips to pay my salary, i told the owner that if he dosent want to pay me over time thats fine, but i would like every peni the customer left me...I also told him about the many times the manager got cought putting all the money in the register includin our tips, when he though no one was looking, next day i got fired for asking what time was we going home, a few of us did go to the dept. of labor. they are in charge of the case now...but i have been 3 months without being able to find a job. I know times are hard and all but damn. Im a good looking guy with experience and know how to carry my self. i never had problem finding a job, so I decided to us an Cydia app for the Iphone, that alows you to change your voice and callers telefone number, pretending to be a hotel employer I called my ex-employer for refrence and he basicly trashed me. I have it question is, if is legal to bring this recording in court to request my ex employer to pay me for the 3 month that i have been out of work for the bad refrences his unfarly giving me???
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Admissibility of evidence is up to a Judge, contact an employment attorney and bring in the recording if the attorney calls you in after a phone intake.
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