Cleaning, Repairs Recovering costs of cleaning and repair


New Member
Hello. I recently had to evict a tenant from a piece of commercial real estate for non payment of rent. After recovering my building I found a filthy building with a few thousand dollars worth of damage. Specifically, numerous unauthorized holes cut in the walls where they installed exhaust fans.
The business had been sold to one of the long term employees less than a year before the eviction. Most of the damage was done when the business was owned by the person who originally signed the lease. My question is: Is the new owner responsible for damage done to the building before she bought the business? The lease specifically stated no unauthorized changes to the property. She claims she is not responsible for damages done before she bought the company. Thanks.
The business had been sold to one of the long term employees less than a year before the eviction.

You didn't know about that? Why not?

Is the new owner responsible for damage done to the building before she bought the business?

I don't know. I haven't read your lease.

The lease specifically stated no unauthorized changes to the property.

But you let that unauthorized change slide for a year.

She claims she is not responsible for damages done before she bought the company.

That's probably not true but you will have to hire a lawyer to review your lease.
You didn't know about that? Why not?

I knew about the ownership change when it happened.

But you let that unauthorized change slide for a year.

Actually, most of the damage was done a few years earlier. I didn't exactly let it slide. I informed them they were not authorized to make those changes and to cut no more holes in the building.
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