recovery of personal property


New Member
I was made to leave the house where i was "renting" from. I had used the owner's credit card, with her permission, to pay for repairs to a car i had gotten from her after i paid off the loan balance. Now the woman says i can't go back to the house and get the remainder of my property from her until i pay her the money owed on the credit card, which is over $4000. The car still will not pass emissions inspection. I don't have the money to pay her and i want my belongings back. How exactly do i proceed legally? I'm hoping you can help. Thank you.
Do you still have a key?
If so, contact the police and ask them to come along to"keep the peace" while you collect your property to move out.

This woman was foolish to allow you to use the credit card She is legally responsible for paying that bill, not you. If she wants you to pay for it then it would be in her best interest to be polite and stay on your good side.
Do you still have a key?
If so, contact the police and ask them to come along to"keep the peace" while you collect your property to move out.

This woman was foolish to allow you to use the credit card She is legally responsible for paying that bill, not you. If she wants you to pay for it then it would be in her best interest to be polite and stay on your good side.

I do still have a key to the house, but she keeps the door to the garage bolted so that I can't get in. She didn't want me there when she wasn't around and that is understandable. She makes it very inconvenient to be around when i'm available, and vice versa. I'm thinking the police may refer me to court since this may be a "civil" action, not a "criminal" action. Also, I'm not sure what her son may have told her she can do legally, since he is a state trooper.
If you are unable to recover your property, and if you choose to pursue it, you can go to small claims and sue for the value of whatever property she kept. With any luck she would return it to avoid further hassle.

You could expect a counter suit regarding the credit card but she would likely not get far with that.

Another option is to just walk away, learn a hard life lesson, and get on with your life.

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