Red light cam ticket help

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I got tagged by a red light camera driving for Uber in Portland, Oregon. It was 100% unintentional. They got me going 25 in a 30, so I clearly wasn't trying to beat the red. I did speed up a little to try to beat the camera, but didn't want to get tagged for speeding too. I had a passenger in the back trying to give me directions and other bad drivers pulling my attention away from the light. By the time I saw that it was yellow it was too late for me to stop without slamming the brakes on so I followed thru. That's what we're taught to do anyway. I've heard these are actually really easy to get dismissed if you know what to say. I also know these cameras are banned in other parts of the country and for good reason. Just looking for some advice here. Uber and Lyft only allow one violation per year. So if this gets on my record and it happens again there goes my income and I have to go do something I hate again. Lol. I have a lot on my plate right now and this is the last thing I need. Thank you!
I got tagged by a red light camera driving for Uber in Portland, Oregon. It was 100% unintentional. They got me going 25 in a 30, so I clearly wasn't trying to beat the red. I did speed up a little to try to beat the camera, but didn't want to get tagged for speeding too. I had a passenger in the back trying to give me directions and other bad drivers pulling my attention away from the light. By the time I saw that it was yellow it was too late for me to stop without slamming the brakes on so I followed thru. That's what we're taught to do anyway. I've heard these are actually really easy to get dismissed if you know what to say. I also know these cameras are banned in other parts of the country and for good reason. Just looking for some advice here. Uber and Lyft only allow one violation per year. So if this gets on my record and it happens again there goes my income and I have to go do something I hate again. Lol. I have a lot on my plate right now and this is the last thing I need. Thank you!

You did not ask a question ... but here is a link to the Oregon State Bar where you can get a referral to an attorney.

Welcome to the Oregon State Bar Online (
That's what we're taught to do anyway. I've heard these are actually really easy to get dismissed if you know what to say.

I'm sure there are plenty of Portland "mouthpieces" eager to make moola assisting citizens in legal distress.

You won't find one trolling this site, however, as we discourage such shenanigans.

Try looking for one using these sites, I'm not endorsing any of them, simply advising you of their existence, you must conduct your due diligence BEFORE spending your moola!!!!,+OR

New Traffic Cameras and Enforcement Descend on Portland, with Fines

Red-Light Cameras In Oregon Can Now Ticket Speeders, Too

Oregon and Washington Traffic Tickets Attorney,+OR

Photo Radar Ticket in Oregon: Certificate of Innocence

Oregon Red Light Cameras |

How to fight a red light camera ticket
If you want to fight a red light camera ticket: You will need to plead "not guilty" to the violation and request a contested hearing. To do so, fill out and submit the certificate of innocence form according to the instructions. Make sure the information is complete and accurate before you turn it in, or you might not get your ticket dismissed.
Red light camera enforcement isn't perfect: One in four tickets is issued in error, and only 5% of drivers contest them. For example, if you stopped at a red light just before a crosswalk and the camera was triggered, or if you were already turning through an intersection while a light turned red and the footage can demonstrate you couldn't have safely stopped, it might be worth contesting your ticket.
If you think you've been accidentally cited for running a red light, gather evidence and don't be afraid to challenge the ticket.
While it may be more expensive to hire an attorney rather than pay the ticket, it could save you from a mark on your Oregon driving record Oregon Driving Record | and increased car insurance premiums Car Insurance Quotes | Compare 2024 Car Insurance Rates | .
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