Reducing child support???

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I talked to my ex-husband recently, and told him that I really didn't think he deserved to have to pay me as much child support as he's been ordered to pay.

I know this is odd, but although his money helps, I feel terrible every time I cash the checks. Our divorce was entirely my fault, and my son stays with his father more than he does with me anyway lately. It's just not fair that he has to pay so much money, after the way we parted.

Right now, he's paying me $550 per month in support. I'd like to get it reduced to at least $150 a month or less.

How can I go about getting this done?
This is tricky. The law sees child support as an entitlement of the child, not the custodial parent. Therefore it usually does not allow the parent just to waive child support obligations below the minimum child support set by the state.

That means if it is at the minimum, then it would be impossible to get a court to lower it. Even if it is above it might be cumbersome.

Of course this all depends on the rules of your individual state.

But may be there is a different solution? If the father can afford to pay it, why don't you both agree to put the money into a college fund? This way it would do the child a lot of good.
Thank's for the reply.

We actually did talk about maybe putting money aside for that, so you're right. This might be a good way to do it. I'll call him tomorrow, and run it by him.

Thank you!
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