Reduction of a past conviction?

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New Member
It is my interest in becoming a police officer. I applied to a large metro police station and aqquired all the necessary documents and met with a recruiter. They mentioned that if there was a legal history that included a misdemeanor, class B or higher, that I would need to secure offical documentation of the disposition of that. I brought that into the recruiter and he basically said, "Well, sorry but that is where we have to stop." I am a little disappointed and I would like to know if that is truly it?

Is it possible to get an old charge reduced? Is it worth it? The conviction occured in college and it involved a bar fight and I got arrested three weeks later at my apartment after someone pressed charges. It was a Class A misdemeanor for assult and it looks like that it is haunting me for a lifetime. The date of offense was October 23, 1998 and the date of conviction was May 5, 1999. I was sentenced to one year jail (probated), 2 years of probabtion, $1,000.00 fine, $437.13 restitution and 249.25 in court costs. In February of the following (2000) year my attorney filed for early release which was granted based on everything being paid and my behavior with the probabtion officer and the community.

I want to see what my options are moving forward and if becoming a part of the law enforcement family is even a possibility. Thanks for your insight. I'll talk with you soon.
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