Refund due on broken lease

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New Member
My wife & I broke a lease on an apartment in San Antonio, TX. After all the penalties and accelerated rent was paid, the apartment re-rented and we are due a refund of about $400. It should have been sent to us in December but as of Jan. 4, 2010, we still don't have it. My questions are: Is there a time limit for how long they have to refund our money? Does Texas impose any penalties to the landlord for being slow in returning our money? wife said the check was going yo be mailed last week (according to the corporate office) which obviously didn't happen since it's been over a week and we still don't have it.
Personally, before getting too far ahead, I would get on the phone with them again and confirm the check was sent and the date it was sent. It was a holiday period... it is possible the check just didn't get in the mail as soon as they told you it would.

If it doesn't show up in a couple days and they give you the run-around on the phone... sharpen up your pencil and write them a friendly letter politely requesting they send the check so that you don't have to sue their butts.
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