Refund due to Conflict of Interest?

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New Member
In Pittsburgh, PA: I won grandparent's right to visitation. My daughter appealed and filed a contempt charge. There's conflict of interest on both sides. When I wanted to replace my lawyer, I had posted my case summary online. My daughter's lawyer responded that she read my posting & wanted to meet. I didn't hire her. After I retained my lawyer, it was discovered my daughter & her new husband met with him last year. My lawyer claims they discussed the husband's case with his ex-wife & their kids & never met my daughter. She disagrees & discribed his office in detail. We wanted the conflict addressed at the pre-trial but it wasn't-neither lawyer brought it up. I repeatedly asked my lawyer to act on having her lawyer removed. My lawyer skirted the issue until recently when he said it was a "washout." I had hired him based on the outcome he told me I could expect. But, after the conflict was discovered, he changed his story & attitude. He didn't do anything I asked of him & disclosed private financial info to her lawyer. I have spent a great deal of money & feel he is not acting in my best interest, in fact he is not acting on anything. Am I entitled to a refund because he should have bowed out? What can I do to address the conflict of interest?
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