Refund for Services Not Rendered - Riding Lessons

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New Member
I signed up for horse back riding lessons through a college equestrian club and paid a $500 check directly to the coach. I never took a lesson- I was unable to coordinate my schedule with the coach's, and I requested a refund. The coach refused, claiming that he doesn't give refunds. This is not posted any where and I was not informed of the no refund policy, and the college refuses to assist me.

Will I win in MD small claims court? Is it more effort than its worth?
Was there any paperwork or contracts?
how much time was there between the payment and the request for refund?

You can certainly try small claims... it doesn't hurt. If you get a judgment in your favor and payment is made voluntarily then it will be worth it. If you get a judgment and they refuse to pay and you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get a measely $500 back then it probably isn't worth it. Either way, you won't really know til you sue and get a judgment.
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