My divorce decree states that I have my children for the 2nd half of the summer, every summer and also Christmas break on odd years. It sets that she must get them to me and that I must pay for the children's flights. She refuses to let them fly unaccompanied minor(they are of age) and she also will not buy herself a ticket to bring them to me. The papers say that if either one of us withholds the children from the others visitation, they are supject to a class d felony. My question is, when she does not put them on the plane or bring them to me, what do I do? Do I call the city police that they reside or county or what?
The police won't care about this, unless you happen to reside in the same state.
And, even if that were the case, they would probably tell you its a civil matter.
Your solution lies in the court that issued the decree.
If you reside in the State of Confusion, and she resides in the State of Obstruction, where the divorce was granted, its back to the State of Obstruction to seek a contempt citation against her.
(Hint: The state that issued the decree, has jurisdiction over this matter.)
I suggest you negotiate a compromise.
You dislike her, she dislikes you.
You might want to have a person you both like to help you reach a compromise.
No need to keep throwing your money away on courts and lawyers, when your kids (and both of you) can better use the funds.
So, talk with your lawyer, see what he/she has to say; and try to compromise.
Why don't you fly to pick up the kids?
She has a good point.
These days, with thousands of freaks, perverts, and child molesters roaming free; I wouldn't want a small child, traveling unattended.
The airlines don't watch kids all that closely.
Or, have a relative (or friend) bring them to you.
Work with her, and maybe she'll work with you.
Going to court just makes things worse.