? Regarding restraining order against me by girlfriend's (minor) parents

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Hello all. My name is Max and this is my first post. This is actually the reason I registered to this website, but I am aspiring to be a lawyer, so I feel like I'll be around often anyway. Okay, on to it.

I am 18. My girlfriend is 16. Her parents are abusive, but are good about hiding it, and I do not want to cause any more trouble for her by reporting them to CPS or whatever. I don't think it could get proven anyway. Alas, they are threatening to get a restraining order against me to keep me away from her, not due to any fault on my part. I have never hit her or abused her in any form or fashion, aside from a couple carpet burns on her back.

All joking aside, I love this girl. I would be willing to wait until she's 18, but that would just blow. Yes, very poetic. Whatever. I looked up the laws about restraining orders in Mississippi, and I read that they cannot be granted without evidence of abuse. I am not sure if there are statutes or what-not about a guardians control over a minor and their ability to restrain someone from them, for them. I need to know the facts.

I need an answer to this question. I hope that this is the right thread in which to post. Any help is greatly appreciated, and I will give many, many thanks.

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