Trademark Registering slogans, logos under business owners name vs company name?

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i am now wondering if it is a good idea to trademark a logo and a slogan.

"Trademark" is a noun and it is not properly used as a verb. Most folks who use "trademark" as a verb are talking about registration, but registration is necessary nor sufficient to acquiring trademark rights (although registration does provide certain benefits). Trademark rights are acquired through use of the mark.

Do i have to pay for 2 more trademarks?

If you want to register additional marks, you will have to pay to do so.

How do i link the logo & slogan to the same existing trademark?

I don't know what you mean by this.

Let me give you a brief example:

The Coca-Cola Company (or some subsidiary) owns the rights to the word mark "Coca-Cola." The company also owns the rights to the familiar red/white Coca-Cola script logo (a design mark). They are separate marks that are registered separately with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The company also owns rights to the slogan, "It's the Real Thing," and has registered that mark separately. While these marks are all obviously related, they are all separate marks. I'm also confident that the company has registered dozens -- and probably hundreds -- of additional, related marks.

Whether it's worthwhile for you to register your word mark and your logo/design mark and your slogan separately (or whether federal trademark registration is worthwhile for your business at all) is something about which only a trademark attorney who has a thorough understanding of your business can advise you.
I have a registered trademark (clothing brand) but i am now wondering if it is a good idea to trademark a logo and a slogan. Do i have to pay for 2 more trademarks? How do i link the logo & slogan to the same existing trademark? Thank you

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Thank you

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I just realized i have been registering all my trademarks under my name (owner) and was wondering if i made a mistake. I have a trademarked business name, slogan, and logo. What should i do now?

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I just realized i have been registering all my trademarks under my name (owner) and was wondering if i made a mistake. I have a trademarked business name, slogan, and logo. What should i do now?

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You need to do now, what you avoided doing then, and you continue to avoid today, hire yourself a lawyer.
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