Registration and plates

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Georgia

[="Book Antiqua"]:([/FONT] Hello, my husband was given a ticket for "no tag" back in August. Thing is, we were just test driving the vehicle and we told the officer this and were very compliant with all other regulations. The officer insisted on giving him the ticket anyway because he didn't provide the bill of sale. Again, we told the officer we were only test driving and we had proper auto insurance also. My husband forgot about the court date, probate court, and now the ticket is $180.00 including fine and penalties. The state is threatening to suspend his license if not paid by November 24th, 2008. Is it too late to and resolve this issue? I thought I could talk to the Judge and explain to him what I've told you. I am a paralegal but not currently working. Any advice from you would be greatly appreciated.
Could you please get back with me today if possible? I would really appreiciate it if at all possible. Thanks!
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