Registration expired and Missing front license plate tickets

Eli Dag

New Member
Recently I was in Chicago and my registration was expired for 2 weeks or so.

Received 2 tickets:

1. Expired registration.
2. Missing front plates (It looks like my front plates were loose, and they fell off when someone hit me while doing a parallel parking, later I found my plates on the curb there).

1. Now I renewed my registration.
2. And my plates are firmly fixed in the front.

Do I still need to pay those tickets?

What are my options to contest?

Each tickets is for $60. It was snowing on that day and the tickets were soaked and got torn.

Thank you beforehand!
These are typically "fix-it" violations. If I were you, I'd contact the agency that issued the tickets to see if you can bring the vehicle for inspection and have the violations signed off on.
You won't be able to have the expired registration signed off if it was actually expired at the time of the citation, however you can get the license plate signed off and provide proof of current registration in court to have the fine significantly reduced.
You won't be able to have the expired registration signed off if it was actually expired at the time of the citation, however you can get the license plate signed off and provide proof of current registration in court to have the fine significantly reduced.

Thank you so much!
Interesting... No such thing as a correctable violation there? Everything goes to court?

Equipment violations in Illinois are not moving violations (i.e., no points), so I suspect most of them just get paid without being contested. But if you want to contest them, you have to go to court and the judge is under no obligation to allow retroactive compliance with the law.

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