Rejected 4 times in 2 years

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have intereviewed for the same Quasi-State agency 4 times in the past 2 years. Each time I have been told that they were going in a different direction. Each time I was passed over for a white employee. At first, I thought nothing of. But the last 2 times really upset me. The 3rd interview was conducted by a temp and I was not broght back for a second interview even though I used to work in that dept and left on good terms. The last time it was another position in the same dept. I called after my second interview to check on the status and was told that it was between me and a few others but they were calling references to compare. I was then called the next week to tell me that after speaking with my references they were going in a different direction. I spoke with my references and they were quite enthusiastic about my work ethic. Is it just me or does something not sound right?
Quite frankly, I suspect that it has less to do with your race and more to do with the fact that you don't seem to be able to take no for an answer. They have made it clear that they are not interested in having you work for them, but you continue to apply. I would have been a little more blunt with you by the third time; they appear to still be trying to be polite.

Move on.
That was really rude....QUITE FRANKLY!!!

They have been calling ME!!!

They use the same resume and call me when there are openings. I would not continue to put myself through this if they didn't seem interested!!!

You are a nasty person!
Very well then. Since the crystal ball is out of order and I am unable to read your mind and see facts that you never mentioned, I won't subject you to any more answers.

Have a good day.
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