Release form

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New Member
Release form with a signature but -the witness -agent- notary signature and seal fields were left blank .Is this legal?:
You haven't provided enough facts for us to provide a legal opinion.

No worries, why not ask your question of the entity that provided you with the form?
Unfortunaely ,they are not giving any information .
The form was for an CGO&P claim . Written on the wrong property I am needing to paid for the claim on the right property on which there is no release .
If you any doubt before signing anything (or agreei ng to anything0, don't sign it (or agree to it) BEFORE consulting your attorney.

What, you don't have an attorney?

Hire one!

Or, make an appointment and speak to one.

The initial consultation is normally free and without continued obligation.
They are not giving out imfo that works against them ,This is a big company -crooked as the days are long .Lawyers seem to be afraid of them.
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