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I am purchasing a piece of property in Lenoir City, TN, that has an old mobilehome on it that is currently being rented. The home is in pretty bad shape and I do not want to be held responsible for any injuries or for repairing the home. Is there a release I can get the tenants to sign that would make them responsible for anything that happens on the property or anything that might happen due to ill repair of the home or surroundings? I really don't want to evict them.
This is a tough situation. You can try to obtain a release from the tenants but I wonder as to whether they'd sign it and the enforceability of some terms that may relate to a home that is uninhabitable or not being responsible for your own negligence. Hard to say without more as to the extent of the limitation of liability you can obtain.
They did sign it without a problem. I haven't inspected the place so I'm not sure of the shape of it. I think I feel comfortable with the rental agreement I came up with.
You can write whatever you wish in a leasing contract. If it goes against the laws of your particular state, it means nothing in a court of law, even if your tenants sign this lease.

Tennessee landlord/tenant law states that it is the reponsibility of the landlord to make necessary repairs to keep the rental unit in a fit and habitable condition.

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