New Member
about 11 years ago I was convicted of attempted 4th degree CSC. as a result I have to register as an offender. Recently I learned that I could have my record sealed and the conviction set aside. So I did just that. The states attorney general didn't take a stance. my local prosecuting attorney didn't take a stance so I was granted the motion to set aside conviction! This was a rewarding day for me and my family as it meant I could finally provide for my wife and three children and not have to worry about being fired because of my record! I recently got a great paying job and we moved to a nice home in a good neighborhood.. then to my amazement I find out that I still have to register even though it has been set aside! now my family and lively hood could be stripped away because of this! Apparently this is so new that even my local prosecutor was unaware that I had to register! I am looking for some advice as to what I can do to get removed from the registry. I find it demoralizing that I can pass a background check but I can still be found on the internet! any advice or direction would be a great help!