removal of property without notice

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New Member
I was on a trip and my boyfriend got arrested. He took everything we owned and put it at his house in a garage. There was no lease, and I was working in the landlords store for my rent. He says we owe him 1500.00 for rent and repairs before we can get any of our property. What can I do?
I was on a trip and my boyfriend got arrested. He took everything we owned and put it at his house in a garage. There was no lease, and I was working in the landlords store for my rent. He says we owe him 1500.00 for rent and repairs before we can get any of our property. What can I do?

He can't withhold your property to make you pay rent.

You might want to contact the police and see if they will stand by while you secure SOME of your valuables.

But, what he has done is illegally evict you.

Your remedy is probably in court, if he ever evicts you.

If you speak with the local law enforcement agency, they MIGHT file theft charges against him.
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