Thank you for your reply. I have some follow-up questions that I hope you will be willling to answer.
He has been in the country since '87. From 87 to 2000 he received dui's but they were all misdemeanors even though on his 4th he should've been looking at a felony. In any event, they are for sure misdemeanors. In 2000 there was a hearing on whether he should be deported based not on the duis but on a cocaine possession charge. The dui misdemeanors were brought up. The judge pardoned the cocaine and did not deport him. He is now up for renewal. He has two duis since he went before the ins court in 2000. His highest sentence was 90 days for one of them. If he renews and they take a look at his past, wouldn't they stick w/ the last two misdemeanors only since his cocaine charge was already "lititgated?" Also, since they took a look at the prior dui's, would they also move forward?
Thanks for your time. I'm wondering if they will look at everything or just look at the last two dui's and whether, given all of his history he stands a good chance of deportation when he renews.