Rent 2 Own MH.Took 4 months to no ac and fire coming out of breaker box?

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We made a down payment to a company on April 4th for a Mobile home. (They are renting to own the home to us) They still had to complete the setup process, carpet, plumbing, electrical, etc. Well here it is August 4th and it was finally finnished so that we could move in last Friday. The company told me that the delay was from having trouble getting permits because it's in a flood zone and having lousy workers. Why wasn't I told this in the beginning? Also, when I went to their office to get a copy of my contract, they didn't even have it. The man that took my money had never turned it in to them and it had been 3 months! They tried to deny that he even worked for their company and I had to come back 3 days later to get the contract. (I recorded this whole office visit.) They wouldn't even push the process of finnishing it untill I brought my first months payment to them!! Anyways, I was willing to let this go because we were living in a camper and needed somewhere to go. Well, I haven't even finnished moving things in and I start frinding fireants everywhere and my fiance goes to the breaker box to flip the washer/ dryer breaker switch and it tripped the whole thing and shot out fire. And the furnice switch smells like its smoking. On top of this the ac stopped working today. I call the company and was told that I would be put on a list. On a list!! I started crying on the phone and asked the woman what was I suppose to do with my kids in the 100 degree heat and what if my house burns down? She repeated what she said the first time but in a very angry and impatient tone. I called the Minimum housing authority and filed a report. I dunno if it''ll do any good.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should do????? I can't afford a lawyer. Legal aid maybe? Can I get my down payment back and more?

We are in Wilson county, NC, by the way. Its now 8:20 pm and no one has come to fix anything.
This is difficult to answer. What is contained within your contract? Is there anything related to time? I'm not sure I understand which party is which and who sold you the mobile home and who did the work on it and whether they are the same party.
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