Rent Stabilized Apartment, Late lease renewal -- what if I decide not to renew?

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New Member

I'm in Westchester, NY and in a rent stabilized apartment. My current lease ends August 31 and my landlord has just now sent the lease renewal. As far as I understand, we have 60 days to respond, which since it was sent late, means that that 60 day time frame would put us beyond the end of our current lease.

What if (and this is hypothetical at this time as we will probably renew) we decide NOT to renew and notify them within that 60 day time frame, but after August 31. When would we have to vacate the apartment? Immediately? At the end of the 60 days? 90 days after they sent the lease renewal (since the lease renewal is technically supposed to be sent 90 days prior to the end of the lease)?

Thanks for your help.
Read the lease. The lease being your lease. The notice requirement applies to all parties.
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