Rent stabilized apartment manhattan

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I live in a rent stabilized apartment in Manhattan, me and my ex boyfriend lived here for over 10 years, both our names are on the lease, he got a job in Washington 4 years ago and moved there, he is filing his taxes in DC, i stayed in NY because of my job and filing taxes in NY, our relationship suffered because of the distance, we broke up, i renewed the rent stabilized lease for 2 years in Feb 2010 i only signed the lease with my signature, he did not, i got the renewal lease back signed by the landlord. We have not informed the Landlord we broke up and he no longer lives in the apartment. Should we had inform the landlord he is no longer living in the apartment when i renewed the lease? Will this effect the validity of the lease that i have signed only?
The rent of the apartment is now above 2.000 dollars, me and my ex boyfriend income is less then 175.000 dollars together per year, I received the income certification form last week from landlord with both our names on it, i guess the landlord did not notice it was only my signature on the lease? how should i fill out this form now when he is no longer living in the apartment? All the leases has been signed by both of us over the years except this lease in Feb 2010 i was the only one who signed the lease. When i was the only one who signed the renewal lease, by law is he still considering being on the lease when he did not sign it? Can the landlord deregulate my apartment now when he no longer lives with me and filed taxes in DC for the last 4 years?
I live in a rent stabilized apartment in Manhattan, me and my ex boyfriend lived here for over 10 years, both our names are on the lease, he got a job in Washington 4 years ago and moved there, he is filing his taxes in DC, i stayed in NY because of my job and filing taxes in NY, our relationship suffered because of the distance, we broke up, i renewed the rent stabilized lease for 2 years in Feb 2010 i only signed the lease with my signature, he did not, i got the renewal lease back signed by the landlord. We have not informed the Landlord we broke up and he no longer lives in the apartment. Should we had inform the landlord he is no longer living in the apartment when i renewed the lease? Will this effect the validity of the lease that i have signed only?
The rent of the apartment is now above 2.000 dollars, me and my ex boyfriend income is less then 175.000 dollars together per year, I received the income certification form last week from landlord with both our names on it, i guess the landlord did not notice it was only my signature on the lease? how should i fill out this form now when he is no longer living in the apartment? All the leases has been signed by both of us over the years except this lease in Feb 2010 i was the only one who signed the lease. When i was the only one who signed the renewal lease, by law is he still considering being on the lease when he did not sign it? Can the landlord deregulate my apartment now when he no longer lives with me and filed taxes in DC for the last 4 years?

You have a myriad of problems on your horizon if you don't correct this mess.

You need to report honest information for rent controlled apartments.

In fact, with only your income, the rent should go down.

Let your landlord know about the mistake.

Report only your income.

You wouldn't want your name on a lease where you didn't live in the apartment, would you?

Neither does he.

Fix this and let the chips fall where they may, before this comnes blowing back on you.
ooooops! we did not think he is on the lease anymore because he did not sign the renewal in Feb 2010 it was only my signature, is the lease valid with only my signature? the landlord signed it, if not what do we have to do now? and also how should i fill out the income certification form when he no longer lives in the apartment?
ooooops! we did not think he is on the lease anymore because he did not sign the renewal in Feb 2010 it was only my signature, is the lease valid with only my signature? the landlord signed it, if not what do we have to do now? and also how should i fill out the income certification form when he no longer lives in the apartment?

Here is the NYC Rent Control Board website.
You should check with them before you mention the oversight to your landlord.
His absence from the lease, could make your rent stabilization no longer valid.
Please, check with the NYC Rent Stabilization Office, before proceeding.

Rent Stabilization: In NYC, rent stabilized apartments are those apartments in buildings of six or more units built between February 1, 1947 and January 1, 1974.
Tenants in buildings of six or more units built before February 1, 1947, who moved in after June 30, 1971 are also covered by rent stabilization.
A third category of rent stabilized apartments covers buildings with three or more apartments constructed or extensively renovated since 1974 with special tax benefits. Generally, these buildings are stabilized only while the tax benefits continue.

You could say that you just noticed your lease, as you were putting it away for safekeeping.

It had your ex-boyfriend's name on it.

He no longer lives in the unit.

His name should not be on the lease.

As your income is based ONLY on what YOU earn, you should receive a rate adjustment.

It was all an honest mistake that you now want to rectify.
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