rent to own conflict

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I had rented to own a mobile home to new couple with no credit. After a few years of problems ( late payments, police calls, and property damage) they have paid up until the end of the agreement. The mortgage still had a balance so as the owner I said I would finish paying it off. All other arrangments would still apply. They are responsible for repairs, utilities, taxes, lot rent etc. In the mean time the taxes have not been paid from last year or this year. His wife died from cancer and his parents had moved in. They are not allowed to have anyone move in without notifying me first, which he did not. I tried to call him and his number is disconnected. He was taken in an ambulance Jan 8 2008 for an overdose an put in ICU for 2 days. He has never returned except once to grab some things. He has not paid lot rent since Dec, taxes are owed for 2 years, and no one can get in contact with him. The trailer is still in my name and he is in breach of contract because of the lot rent, taxes and roommates. Even though he paid up through he end of the agreement, he signed that if he leaves or breaks contract that all paid monies are considered rent only. So the property still belongs to me. The trailer had been broken into the other day and I was just notified. Can I take back the property and resell it? If so what do I have to do with his belongings? And if I can't resell it what actually can I do?
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