Rental car accident

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I rented a car in Hawaii and had a accident. They billed me about $7000.
I think it is unfair because I thought it was covered by the insurance but it was not. I purchased supplemental liability insurance. At that time, I don't have any other initial insurance to cover it. And I did not know I need one. They did not tell me anything. Also I am 23, I paid underage fee. I think they should inform me all the information when I rented the car.
Besides, $7000 was calculated based on daily loss * 30 days and the market loss of the car. $6000. It was not a big accident at all. They were charged me far more than enough.i don't think it is fair. What should I do? Should I sue them?
I rented a car in Hawaii and had a accident. They billed me about $7000.
I think it is unfair because I thought it was covered by the insurance but it was not. I purchased supplemental liability insurance. At that time, I don't have any other initial insurance to cover it. And I did not know I need one. They did not tell me anything. Also I am 23, I paid underage fee. I think they should inform me all the information when I rented the car.
Besides, $7000 was calculated based on daily loss * 30 days and the market loss of the car. $6000. It was not a big accident at all. They were charged me far more than enough.i don't think it is fair. What should I do? Should I sue them?

You should first read your rental contract.

You remember it, right?

Its the thing you signed before you drove off their lot.

Anyway, all fo that is in the contract.

Sure, you cna sue, you can sue anyone you want to sue.

But, you won't win.

You should worry about them suing YOU.

Contact your credit card company, they might have some kind of insurance, AMEX provides it, for instance.

Without any auto insurance of your own, you're on the hook.

One of the legitimate claims is as long as the car is being repaired, it can't make money for them.

You're responsible for that loss at the daily rate, because you caused the car to be disabled.
It sounds like you had no auto ins. of your own. Sorry but if accident was your fault (seems so from what is posted), you are responsible for the damages/loss. You should always read and understand any contract you sign.
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