I was inquiring about my rights as a renter in CO; I am currently renting a home that is under foreclosure. Two months ago I contacted the management company that I am renting the home through to inquire about the foreclosure. They stated that they did not know anything about the foreclosure. After they contacted the owner and were assured that it was taken care and they guaranteed me that they were 100% sure that everything was taken care of and the owner had taken care of everything. This home was under foreclosure when I originally signed the lease. I have noticed that the owner has not taken care of the foreclosure because there has been an "Order to Sale" filed by the courts. I was inquiring if I get evicted from this house could I hold the rental company liable for not having due diligence and therefore being negligent in not knowing that house was in foreclosure and not communicating that to me? Also if the management could hold you liable for a breach of contract if I break my lease to find somewhere that is not under foreclosure. Any help would be helpful. Thanks