Rental Home condemed..Exposure to toxic molds,feces etc. Need direction!!

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As of 3 days ago we were asked to leave our rental property in Covington due to unhealthy living conditions. They are considering condemning the home. We have only rented for 5 mths and during this time have had several problems with plumbing and numerous other issues. The plumbing was backing up into our sinks, washers,showers etc. The landlord refused to fix the problem and when my husband tried to do it himself we discovered a river of feces, urine, and several types of mold under the entire home.(We have pictures and documentation.) Over 15ft long and 3 ft wide. The city code inspector and EPA were notified and appalled!We want to be tested to see just what and how much we have been exposed to. We have 2 small children ages 3 and 7.We have all been very ill with asthma,nosebleeds,sore throats etc.We are still in process of being tested. My 3yr old even had a seizure out of the blue possibly due to exposure to methane gas or toxic mold.I am not sure what to do next? These are the facts and I need any direction on what steps and procedures to take next to assure that the health of my children and family. I appreciate any effort or time you take in this matter.

Angela Nicole
As of 3 days ago we were asked to leave our rental property in Covington due to unhealthy living conditions. They are considering condemning the home. We have only rented for 5 mths and during this time have had several problems with plumbing and numerous other issues. The plumbing was backing up into our sinks, washers,showers etc. The landlord refused to fix the problem and when my husband tried to do it himself we discovered a river of feces, urine, and several types of mold under the entire home.(We have pictures and documentation.) Over 15ft long and 3 ft wide. The city code inspector and EPA were notified and appalled!We want to be tested to see just what and how much we have been exposed to. We have 2 small children ages 3 and 7.We have all been very ill with asthma,nosebleeds,sore throats etc.We are still in process of being tested. My 3yr old even had a seizure out of the blue possibly due to exposure to methane gas or toxic mold.I am not sure what to do next? These are the facts and I need any direction on what steps and procedures to take next to assure that the health of my children and family. I appreciate any effort or time you take in this matter.

Angela Nicole

Dont know if this helps but its all i could find. I had the same problem in VA about 14 years ago. Hope your children and the rest of you are fine.
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The typical route if a property is condemned is for the renters to simply find another place to live. They can consider a lawsuit asking that the landlord pay moving costs.

Whether one can sue for any health claims is dependent on whether they can show a direct link between any symptoms and the environment under the house.

It's important to understand that, unfortunately, the concern that any mold found must be "toxic" has been vastly overstated. There are...literally...thousands of strains of mold with only a few posing a health risk to humans.

Often in a case this this, the focus should be on finding another place to move to.

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