rental property foreclosed on. What to do next

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New Member
on dec 17th, 2010 my landlord foreclosed and the bank now owns the property. on dec 23rd i received a notice to vacate by the 30th of dec. I have tried calling the bank and they refuse to talk to me saying I am not their tenant. I signed a lease in july of 2009. it had no expiration date. I dont know what to do about rent since the bank refuses to talk to me. they didnt even know I was living here.
You don't have to do anything.
The bank can only ask you to move.
You can refuse by doing nothing.
I'd write a letter and include a copy if my lease.
You're they're tenant now.
You can also talk to a lawyer.
Whatever you do, if you choose to stay, don't spend the
rent money.

You owe the bank now.
Eventually, they'll want it.
They pretend not to want it now, because the want to bully you into leaving.
Sooner or later, they'll offer you "cash for keys".

You might want to consider leaving when that happens.
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