rental property possibly sold is our eviction legal?

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I live in St. Clair County Michigan. We rented a farm from friends of ours July 2008. It is a month to month with no written lease. They decided to put the farm on the market a couple months ago. We have been very cooperative in showing the house. Well it seems they have someone that is going to buy the house. These people have been very rude to us have come out on 4 different occasions. They even had what they claimed was a guy to inspect the house so they would know everything wrong with the house. This so called inspector claims he didn't know how to inspect septic fields and didn't do any of the barns. I got a call a couple days later and the landlady said they wanted to come out and video tape the inside of the house so the new owner would know everything wrong.(I thought that was what the inspector was for) The potential owners have done nothing but complain about us and been rude to us.Said my dog scared their kid so much he threw up in the car(my dog was chained up and they new we had a dog when they brought the kid out) they also told the landlord they thought we would trash the house when we moved and I believe that is why they want to video tape the house. When the come out they just walk right into the house without knocking and completely dismiss us and they don't even own the house yet. Do I have to let them video tape the house? My other question is my current landlady gave me a 30 day notice to quit. Apparently the papers are going to be signed before she actually takes me to court. do the new owners have to start the whole court proceedings over or can they continue what the current landlord started. Also they have already proven they are not going to respect our rights. Can they start working on the house and barns to fix it up for them while we are still living here? can they continue to bring the whole family with them while we are trying to pack and move? Do I have to let them on the property at all until we leave? I will not leave my house unattended because I do not trust them and I have to find another place to live and be able to pack. After a 30 day notice to quit they still have to take me to court they can't just come and throw my stuff out right? There is no court date on the eviction notice. I am trying to find a place but I have 4 kids and animals I have to move. The landlord new this when we moved in and we knew nothing of them putting the house on the market until a couple months ago when they put a sign up.
In a month to month tenancy (sometimes also known as a tenancy at will), the lease begins the first day of the month and ends on the last day of the same month, then repeats starting the following month.

To terminate a month to month tenancy, all that is required is a 30 day written notice that the lease will not be renewed. It appears this is what your landlord has done. This is not an eviction notice but rather a notice that your month to month tenancy will not be renewed.

If you ignore this notice and the 30 days passes, you would then be considered to be a holdover that point the landlord/new owners could file for an actual eviction. You don't want an eviction on your credit record.

When a new owner purchases a property, the current lease (i.e. your month to month tenancy) remains in effect until the end of the lease period (i.e., the end of the 30 days). The new owners have to abide by this lease until then.

All of the other legalities of a lease remain in effect, including the fact that unless there's an emergency repair, the landlord must give you adequate notice (at least 24 hours) before they can enter your home. And these new folks...who aren't even owners yet...are considered strangers that you can turn away if you don't wish them in the house while you are packing.

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