Renter of HOA foreclosure property

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: TX

The home we are renting was nearly foreclosed upon twice this spring by the mortgage company, but our landlord was able to get it into a Home Saver's program. Now we know that the HOA supposedly foreclosed upon him on September 1st for nonpayment of dues and leins. (We only found out about this because we were getting "We can stop your foreclosure" letters in the mail from lawyers, so we researched the county website and found the foreclosure filing.) We have received no notice from anyone, and we have paid September's rent. When we contacted the owner, he first denied the HOA foreclosure, then said he went to the courthouse last Friday (the 4th) in an attempt to clear things up, but told us he'd made no progress. Now we have received a postcard addressed to "current resident" (postmarked the 5th) from a company called Eviction Rights, Inc., saying they can "stop the eviction immediately and get you more time in your home." It appears this company has our landlord on a list of people to be evicted, and we're quite sure we need to pack up and leave ASAP, since we're living here. So far the deed is still in the landlord's name. In the six and a half months we have lived here, we've been concerned about foreclosure for about five of them! What do you recommend? What are our rights? How much time do we really have if an eviction's being filed against the owner?
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