Renters rights? Please help!!

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I was living with a roommate for about eight months in Columbus, Ohio. She was the owner of the house, so I was also her tenant. She informed me on the 1st of march that she wanted me to move out. I agreed and said okay. I paid my half of the rent and bills, then left town to go to work (I travel for work). Three days later, she called and informed me that she changed the locks, and had taken all of my property. She took most of it and put it in storage, and took three valuable items to Florida with her to her father's home. She then informed me that I could have everything I own in storage back, OR the items she had taken to Florida, but not both, stating that I had been evicted.

Now she is changing her story saying I moved out without a proper notice and is also threatening to sue me for her not being able to pay her mortgage without me there, among many other ridiculous claims. She has been calling and threatening me and my family and threatening to sue us for excess of $100,000. But I was "evicted" with no paperwork filed, and was locked out after i had paid rent, and all of my possessions taken. What are my options?
She is the one violating your rights.
No one is evicted until they are given a hearing in a court of law.
A landlord does not have the power to evict anyone.
They can ask you to leave, but only a judge can evict you.
Hire a lawyer and teach her a lesson.
She will not only give you your property (or the monetary value thereof), but she'll pay you a penalty for locking you out and stealing your stuff.
You should charge her with the theft by also making a police report against her for stealing your belongings and taking them to Florida.
If you do this right, foreclosing on her home will be the least of her worries.
Its always a good day when someone gets sued

I appreciate the info. To elaborate a bit, the first thing I did was go to the police and file a theft report, but the detective blew me off saying it was just a civil matter, so there are no charges filed yet, but the report is in the system. I also went to the residence the same day the report was filed with and officer present to retrieve what was left in the house. She was not there, she was in Florida at the time, and was refusing to let me in. The neighbor had a key so the officer and I went there to ask about using the key to get in. The neighbor was on the phone with her and she was refusing and arguing with the officer over the phone until the officer made it clear that I had a right to get my things. I have all her voice messages and text messages saved and recorded, because her story changes each time.

I honestly just want to get my things back (many with sentimental value as well as monetary value) and be done with this person. She can't hold a job, has no unemployment income, and all of this seems very premeditated, so it appears that she is just trying to get money any way she can, and I happen to be the lucky person she has chosen. Prior to all of this, she was arrested in December for shoplifting in Florida, which was kind of a tip off to her personality I guess.

Anyways, once again, thanks for the advice!
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