Renter's Rights - Verbal Agreements

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New Member
My boyfriend lives in Lawrence and moved into a 4 bedroom townhouse in March. He just found out that the entire rent on the unit is $900/month - well, he and the other 2 roommates (not including the actual renter) have been paying $300/month each, plus utilities. So basically, the person RENTING the unit (the one on the actual lease) has not paid any rent, only the people he is renting to. Based on the actual rent, everyone should have had to pay $225 each. One of the roommates has moved out now and my boyfriend is worried that he is going to have to pay even MORE rent while all the while the guy renting to him pays nothing. Is this considered legal? My boyfriend is not on the lease, he just has a verbal agreement, which makes me even more worried that he is going to (excuse my language) get "screwed over". He is moving out 07/31 and needs to get his deposit back, can he also recover any of the costs of excess rent that he has been paying? He has paid his rent on time every month and has been a great tenant (and I'm not being biased, either), he was primarily the only one cleaning, he had food stolen from him (by one of the other roommates), etc.

Please let me know what you think!

He agreed to rent amount its done deal. Whether or not the person getting the rent is making money or not has nothing to do with it. Long as owner has allowed to person to sublease place/rooms its legal verbal agreements are binding. Far as deposit goes it will depend on state laws and terms of rental agreement.
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