renters whys everything gota be so hard!

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we've rented a home 2 1/2 yrs.knew owner was teardown cus in Losgatos rich desirable area. myhusband works for the prestiges builder owner finally hired we paid rent on 7th this usual she came out on 8th.Iwasn't home got my husband to sign note of terminate.tenancy. names not spelled right either! says we shud be out by the 8th Oct. plus all rents shud be place to be clear of all debree which is mostly hers cus she story poled the prop.2 times had my husband take it down but we were not responsible for removal thought her shes building something new she gota clean all anyway.this place costs her 4000.mth we pay 1800.mth cuz no one wood rent cus short term. Now we got no savings 3kids in the best schools but no chance to remain in rich area but does sighning the note she brought mean theres a lease agreement and she cant evite us till oct.8th.what if we withhold rent for sept can she evict then or have to wait till notice to terminate up and what date at the latest would the sheriffs come? cud I stretch it till Jan 09? If I withhold rent sept and oct mite have enough to move or do u think it wud be unreasonable for me to offer her a terminate tenancy of my own where I offer to save the approx.12000.she will loose paying rent for my eviction by offering to let her pay the get me to move in 30 days by paying my new place upfront cost? If I was to dog her on the sept oct rent her out of pocket cud go has high as another 8000. Please no preaching of Morality needed this lady is a HOT MESS.PS PGE our eletric guys informed me that until my husband abandons our acct.or closes it out they will not issue her a tear down permit. Sothat mite be something for leverage for me. PS I have 4 kids at home and in2000. got screwed out of home we lived in for 23yrs. by a sceaming real estate forclosure scam have lived thru 2 Bankruptcys lived on disability welfare and my mother in laws house. so I feel its my turn to shine and really want my kids to grow up in the mts away from these rich snobs! HELP me defeat the DUTCHESS of DOOM!
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