Repair Responsibility

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New Member
I'll try to shorten this. Sold house in October 2007. Foundation had been repaired in 2002 and adjusted in 2006. All of this was in home disclosure plus the fact that repairs were made to house due to foundation repair/adjustment. Foundation repair company report plus structural engineer report both agreed that new adjustment needed to be made. Letter sent by foundation company to homeowner informing him that adjustment would probably result in repairs needing to be made to house. (His responsibility.)
Adjustment made Monday, on Tuesday he called our realtor and said that he was shocked at the amount of damage to the house after the adjustment.
He wants us to payfor the repairs. We didn't have much damage after the 2006 adjustment so we were surprised to hear this. To be nice, we thought that we would offer $200 with the stipulation that he acknowledges that we had no legal responsibility and he would never contact us again. Please advise. We don't want a lawsuit.
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