Repeated accusations at work

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New Member
A co-worker repeatedly accuses me of doing things that i could not have done and have had to prove that i did not do.

First i was stalking her but at the time she accused me i was at a shop having my car worked on and had the receipts to prove it.

Then i forged her name to a document on a day that i was not at work because of a death in my family.

Then she calimed i changed her time sheets causing her pto to be incorrect but i was able to pull all the time sheets and show that none of them had been altered. This was reported to hr and they notified me.
It was determined that none of the timesheets had been altered.

When i walked in on her playing video games during work she started yelling at me while i quietly said you know that you are not allowed to play video games at work - she then reported to the owner that i raised my voice to her. He of course was out of town at the time the incident took place or he would have heard her yelling.

Today she asked if she could talk to me in confidence and my answer was "no". She immediately reported me to the owner. What should i do - i have been reprimanded but i have not done anything wrong to my knowledge. I have worked here 7 years.
A co-worker repeatedly accuses me of doing things that i could not have done and have had to prove that i did not do.

First i was stalking her but at the time she accused me i was at a shop having my car worked on and had the receipts to prove it.

Then i forged her name to a document on a day that i was not at work because of a death in my family.

Then she calimed i changed her time sheets causing her pto to be incorrect but i was able to pull all the time sheets and show that none of them had been altered. This was reported to hr and they notified me.
It was determined that none of the timesheets had been altered.

When i walked in on her playing video games during work she started yelling at me while i quietly said you know that you are not allowed to play video games at work - she then reported to the owner that i raised my voice to her. He of course was out of town at the time the incident took place or he would have heard her yelling.

Today she asked if she could talk to me in confidence and my answer was "no". She immediately reported me to the owner. What should i do - i have been reprimanded but i have not done anything wrong to my knowledge. I have worked here 7 years.

If you see any employee doing something that is not acceptable and you are not a supervisor or manager, you report it to management.
You don't chastise or admonish your peers.
I suggest you begin looking for new employment.
You have no idea who the other person is, or what relationship she may have with the owner.
Small companies are, as you should know by now, extremely political.
In the interim, you do two easy things: keep your distance from the person in question, and keep your mouth shut, if you wantt o keep your job.

As far as any other legal remedies, they don't exist.
You work for a small outfit.
Organizations that are small are often exempt from many governmental regulations.
That said, even in the larger mega-companies there isn't much governmental relief available anyway to most people.
Agree that it seems your best option is to look for new employment. In the meantime, do your work & have as little contact with this person as possible.
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