Reporting a Bad Tenant

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New Member
How are Free Resources like to post about deadbeat and bad tenants that screw their landlords over?

I've posted about my deadbeat tenant, Takisha Long, and it seemed to have listed her pretty quickly in Google so at least others won't fall into the same issues.

Are other places worth paying a yearly or one-time fee to search their databases?
I first verify that the person they list on their application IS the actual landlord. My first tenants listed a friend as the previous landlord and of course this person gave them glowing recommendations; it wasn't until they skipped out one weekend that I found who the previous landlord was when I found their previous lease in the trash they left behind. They had skipped out on her too.

Such information can be found by searching local property records.

I then contact that person to review the tenants past rental history.

I've never used any online deadbeat tenant sources although I know they are out there.

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