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I got a loan for my car in Dec 2006. I co-signed for my boyfriend to get a loan in Feb 2007.

The rear end went in the truck a few weeks ago, and Marc Motors is refusing to pay for it under warranty and they want $1700 to fix it. They are calling it abuse because the tires are thin.

I have sent in a complaint to the atterney general about that....but my boyfriend has not payed on his loan. The truck has not been repossessed yet but my question is...

If the truck does end of getting repossessed, Since i co-signed, Can they do anything to my car, or the loan for my car? Can they put a lean on my car?

Would it do me any good to have him voluntary repo?
Dont do a voluntary repo...i just did one....its no different than a involuntary repo! I had them come pick up my truck and it went on my credit report as if they came and TOOK it from me. BIG mistake and now im paying for it. TRY to do everything you can not to ruin your credit. THis is going to stay on mine til 2014.
not sure if this is where i put my question out there, but will try. i have a judgement against me from a lawyer that brough my reposse contract from ford motor company. they sold my truck for 14000.00 and want me to pay over 9000.00 for the bal/i told them when they reposses the truck to sell for what i owed. they of course did not. the lawyer does not listen to me when i tell them i don't have money i have not been back in front of the judge to get a payment plan set up, but what ever it is i would not be able to pay for i put oil in the house amoung other bills. i make 260. a week and it doesnot go far. i have a new wife and child. was in debt up to my blue eyes for credit cards, but i have a loan to pay the credit cards off. i guess i should of file bankrupt way back, but wanted to dig my self out on my own. my question is it to late to file on the reposses of that truck. i have a judgement against me. thanks
clydesdel. my e-mail address is [personal info deleted] thanks
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not sure if this is where i put my question out there, but will try. i have a judgement against me from a lawyer that brough my reposse contract from ford motor company. they sold my truck for 14000.00 and want me to pay over 9000.00 for the bal/i told them when they reposses the truck to sell for what i owed. they of course did not. the lawyer does not listen to me when i tell them i don't have money i have not been back in front of the judge to get a payment plan set up, but what ever it is i would not be able to pay for i put oil in the house amoung other bills. i make 260. a week and it doesnot go far. i have a new wife and child. was in debt up to my blue eyes for credit cards, but i have a loan to pay the credit cards off. i guess i should of file bankrupt way back, but wanted to dig my self out on my own. my question is it to late to file on the reposses of that truck. i have a judgement against me. thanks
clydesdel. my e-mail address is [personal info deleted] thanks
Start your own thread....
after judgement

Start your own thread....
after a judgement of a truck being reposses can i file for bankruptcy. live in new hampshire make 260 plus a week and i spend every penny i have on oil bill, doctor bill, prescripition med. ect ect you know bills. have wife, baby
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