Request to remove roommates from lease.

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New Member
The rental of teh apartment was soully based on my Credit and proof of my income. I did have a roommate that also had to be put ont he lease, but no credit or income information was needed as I was the primary renter. My roommate moved out after 8 months and I continued living int he apartment for another 11 months.

When my roommate moved out we gave the LL notice and requested that they be removed from the lease. The LL said no problem. Later when I was moving out the LL said to remove my roommate from the lease I would have to sign another lease.

My question is where is the RCW that tells how a LL should handle this situation? Is there and RCW saying that a roommate can be crossed off the lease or an RCW saying that a new lease must be signed to remove the roommate?

Its two different questions. One is about a small claim, this one is about the proper process for removing roommates from a lease.
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