Reselling Of Trademark Items

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New Member
I desperately need advice on the reselling of products with a Trademark. The company that produces the products is Mary Kay, Inc. I previously was a consultant with the company but submitted my resignation and have written documentation that they accepted the same. As a consultant I had to abide by very strict rules as to how the product could be sold. However, I am no longer affiliated with the company. I now buy and resell Mary Kay products that are not purchased directly from the company, but instead from previous consultants and resellers. I buy and resell the products at substantially reduced rates both on the Internet and through Newspaper Ads. My listings and ads always read Mary Kay Foundation, Mary Kay Lipstick, etc., which is a description of what I am selling.
I recently received a call from my past director telling me that I could not use the name of Mary Kay in any way shape or form to advertise the product. I told her I had been advised that because I own the product I am selling that I could list it as a Mary Kay item to describe what I am selling.

I did not use the (r) behind the Mary Kay name and do not know if I can use the name if I should be using the symbol behind the name or not.

Any advice?
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