residential lease agreement

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My boyfriend and I recently co-signed a 1-year residential lease agreement in California. My boyfriend abruptly moved out last week and moved back to Wisconsin. There are 10 months remaining on this lease at a very high rental price. Can I sue him for for half of the lease rent for the remainder of the lease? Or am I stuck with the entire rent by myself? Not fair.......
Of course, he can be sued.
Yes, you can sue him.
The problem will be how you will serve him.
And, even if he's served, a California court may have trouble obtaining jurisdiction over him.
Finally, even if you are able to serve him, and you prevail in a California court over him, it isn't over.

You would only get a judgment against him for $XXX.
Then, you'd have to find him again to attach his wages and/or assets, which you would then use to try and satisfy the judgment.

What he did isn't fair, but but your legal remedies are somewhat limited.
The lesson is, never set up housekeeping with someone to whom you aren't married.
Even then, the same thing can happen.

You could also talk with the landlord or his agent.
Tell them what happened.
Ask them if they would be willing to work with you to have him sued to satisfy the rental payments.
They have more access to attorneys and ways to get at this deadbeat.
It might also allow you to not have to move out of the unit.
They may let you seek a roommate to help with the cost.
They may even let you buy out of the lease.
Talk to them and tell them what has happened.
It can't hurt.
I just found out a permament address for him in Wisconsin. We have been (to my knowledge) monogamous for 3 years, we got engaged 2 months ago when we signed the lease together, but we found out just last week the reason he abruptly left while I was at work one day. He was summoneds back to Wisconsin by his current wife whom we all also just found out he re-married 2 months ago (after being divorced for 7 years), while he was living with me. Yes, indeedy, this is quite "the talk" of our little Palm Springs town..... As you may guess, I feel used and betrayed, and while there is nothing I can do emotionally, I would like satisfaction to be reimbursed for half the rent monies for the next 10 months. I can go online and print our legal documents, do you know what documents/forms I need to complete to have him sevred with? And would he have to appear in a California Court, or Wisconsin? And, if I won the case, can I have his wages garnished? I understand his is working under the table in construction now, but can I place a judgment on his farm house?
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