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My cousin lives in Northern California and he resigned his current position due to receiving another job opportunity. Well the new job didn't work out and he asked his employer to reconsider his resignation. The employer declined. He has requested in writing why his former employer refused to reconsider his resignation. I'm not sure why he's requested this but is his former employer obligated to respond to his request?

Additionally, he resigned after working for this factory for approx. 11 months. He never received any type of performance review. Not a 90 day, not a 6 month. He feels like this was not right. Is he required to be reviewed by his employer if he worked there shorter than one year? Or does that even matter?

Thanks in advance for any comments.
He has requested in writing why his former employer refused to reconsider his resignation. I'm not sure why he's requested this but is his former employer obligated to respond to his request? They DID respond to his request. They told him no. They don't have to give him a reason.

Is he required to be reviewed by his employer if he worked there shorter than one year? Or does that even matter? There are no laws that require that an employer to ever hold performance reviews.
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