Responding to a bill for 3rd party services mistakenly authorized by my doctor.

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Connecticut

At a visit to my doctor he advised that he planned to send out some swab samples for lab work, then after futher discussion he decided it was not necessary and he would not be sending them. His office mistakenly sent them to the lab, now the lab is billing me. The doctors office contacted the lab and told them it was sent to them in error but the lab still wants payment, and since the doctor's office did not offer to pay for it they are attempting to hold me responsible. I called them and sent a letter stating that since I did not authorize the lab work I would not accept responsibility for payment. The labs position is that I am still responsible for payment, and they just sent me a letter saying if their bill is not paid they will send my account to an outside collection agency. Can anyone advise what my rights are in this situation? I don't want this to affect my credit rating. Thanks very much.
If it was me, I'd send the lab a certified letter or fax, copied to the doctor, stating that the doctor's office has informed both parties that sending your sample to the lab was a mistake. You never authorized work done and you never had any agreement with the lab and have no contractual arrangement with them and collection attempts would constitute actionable harassment. Written correspondence usually helps... good luck.
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