Response from defendant


New Member
A couple years ago I slipped on black ice outside of a business. I messed my knee up pretty bad(had to have an open surgery).
How much is a case like this worth?
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Depends was then business owner a tenant? I am sure it is an LLC so who holds the purse strings if you will? You have to identify pockets of cash out there for you to be able to get anything recoverable in these types of incidents.

I am sure your attorney has done a verified asset check, and ran through those scenarios so trust your attorney. He wants to go to mediation since that is where most cases get settled.
Why is the defense making stuff up? Is that even legal?
These and any other questions that puzzle you in regards to the lawsuit should ONLY BE POSED to the attorney you retained.

Outsiders, even law school professors or Supreme Court justices would be as clueless as this former, retired judge, lawyer, and adjunct law school professor.
A couple years ago I slipped on black ice outside of a business. I messed my knee up pretty bad(had to have an open surgery).
How much is a case like this worth?
You haven't given us any reason to believe that the business has any liability in the first place. That's the first thing you need to figure out.
A couple years ago I slipped on black ice outside of a business. I messed my knee up pretty bad(had to have an open surgery).
How much is a case like this worth?

Might not be worth anything depending on the circumstances.

Why do you think anybody else is responsible for you slipping on ice?
A couple years ago

Exactly how long ago?

I slipped on black ice outside of a business.

What exactly does this mean? How far "outside of [the] business" did this happen?

I messed my knee up pretty bad(had to have an open surgery).
How much were the medical bills? Did you lose wages as a result? If so, how much? Have you fully recovered? To what extent, if any, has this impacted your life (beyond any lost wages and the inconvenience of surgery and recovery)? Did you notify anyone connected with the business at the time or immediately after this happened? If so, what happened as a result?

How much is a case like this worth?

You haven't provided even remotely enough information for anyone to make an intelligent guess. Answer the questions I asked, along with the questions in the prior responses.